MOTIF Reference
Voice Play mode
Reference Voice mode
● [F2] Voice Play Plug-in Bank
From this display you can select the particular bank
on the Plug-in board, and determine whether you
will be using a Plug-in voice or a “Board” voice.
Simply put, the difference between the two types of
voices is this:
• Board voices are unprocessed, unaltered voices
of the Plug-in board — the “raw material” for
Plug-in voices.
• Plug-in voices are edited Board voices — voices
that have been specially programmed and
processed for optimum use with the MOTIF.
For more details, see page 153.
❏ Settings When a Plug-in voice using the Plug-in
board installed to slot 1 is selected:
PLG1USR (User Plug-in voice), PLGPRE1
(Preset Plug-in voice), 032/000 ... (Indicates
the Bank Select MSB/LSB of the Board
voice. These values differ depending on the
installed Plug-in board)
n This display is available only when the Plug-in
board is installed to the MOTIF and the Plug-in
voice is selected.
● [F4] Voice Play Portamento
From this display you can select monophonic or
polyphonic playback and set the Portamento
Portamento is used to create a smooth transition in
pitch from the first note played on the keyboard to
the next.
• Mono/Poly
Determines whether the Voice is played back
monophonically (single notes only) or polyphonically
(multiple simultaneous notes).
❏ Settings Mono, Poly
• PortaSw
Determines whether Portamento is on or off.
❏ Settings off, on
• PortaTime
Determines the pitch transition time. Higher values result
in longer transition times.
❏ Settings 0 ~127
Determines the Portamento mode. The behavior of the
Portamento varies depending on whether Mono/Poly is set
to “mono” or “poly.”
❏ Settings fingered, fulltime
When Mono/Poly is set to “mono”:
With the “fingered” setting, Portamento is only applied
when you play legato (playing the next note before
releasing the previous one). With the “fulltime”
setting, Portamento is always applied.
When Mono/Poly is set to “poly”:
This is the same as for “mono,” except that Portamento
is applied to multiple notes.
● [F5] Voice Play EG (Envelope Generator)
Basic Structure (page 46)
This display contains the basic EG settings, both
volume and filter, for the voice, as well as the filter’s
cutoff frequency and resonance settings. The
settings made here are applied as offsets to the AEG
and FEG settings in the Voice Edit mode.
The full names of the available parameters are
shown in the chart below, as they appear in the
❏ Settings -64 ~ 0 ~ +63 (except --- above)
● [F6] Voice Play Arpeggio
Basic Structure (page 55)
This display contains the basic settings for Arpeggio
playback, including Type and Tempo.
• Bank
Determines the Bank.
❏ Settings pre1, pre2, user
• Type
Determines the Arpeggio type. The two-letter prefix before
the name indicates the general Arpeggio category.
e Time
--- --- ---
FEG --- Depth