MOTIF Appendix
Information Displays
Information Displays
The convenient Information displays let you see at-a-
glance some of the more important settings relevant to
each mode. Select the desired mode, then press the
[INFORMATION] button to call up the Information
display for that mode. To exit from the display, press
the button again (or any other panel button).
■ Voice mode
• Bank
Indicates the Bank/Number (page 124) of the currently
selected Voice.
• EL 1234
Indicates the currently selected voice, on/off status of four
elements and mono/poly (page 128) status.
• Porta (Portamento)
Indicates the Portamento switch on/off status of the
currently selected voice.
• PB (Pitch Bend)
Indicates the Upper/Lower setting of the Pitch Bend range.
• Ins1 (Insertion 1), Ins2 (Insertion 2), Rev
(Reverb), Cho (Chorus)
Indicates the currently selected effect type for each effect
block (page 137).
■ Performance mode
• Bank
Indicates the Bank/Number (page 162) of the currently
selected Performance.
• 1 (Plug-in board 1), 2 (Plug-in board 2), 3
(Plug-in board 3)
Indicates the installation status of the respective Plug-in
board. The Plug-in board name is displayed at the right of
the corresponding slot number. When PolyExpand
page 259) is set to on in the Utility mode, “P” is
indicated at the left of the slot number.
• InsPart (Insertion part), PLG (Plug-in Insertion
Indicates the part number to which the Insertion effect is
applied and the part number to which the Plug-in Insertion
effect is applied (when the PLG100-VH is installed).
• Rev (Reverb), Cho (Chorus), Var (Variation)
Indicates the currently selected effect type for each effect
block (page 169).
■ Song mode
● Song Play mode
Indicates the amount of currently unused (available)
memory (DRAM) for song recording.
● Song Mixing mode
• PlugInfo/Port (Plug-in board installation
Indicates the Plug-in board name and its MIDI port
number (
page 260) at the right of the slot number. When
PolyExpand (
page 259) is set to on in the Utility mode,
“P” is indicated at the left of the slot number.
• InsPart (Insertion part), PLG (Plug-in
Insertion part)
Indicates the part number to which the Insertion effect is
applied and the part number to which the Plug-in
Insertion effect is applied (when the PLG100-VH is
• Rev (Reverb), Cho (Chorus), Var
Indicates the currently selected effect type for each effect
block (page 210).