MOTIF Reference
Song Job mode
Reference Song mode
● [F3]-03 Erase Event
This Job clears all specified events from the
specified range, effectively producing a segment of
• Event Type
Determines the event type to be erased.
All events are cleared when ALL is selected.
Individual control change numbers can be specified when
erasing control change events.
❏ Settings
When TR is set to 0
Note (Note events), PC (Program Change), PB (Pitch
Bend), CC: 000-127, all (Control Change, Control
Change number), CAT (Channel Aftertouch), PAT
(Polyphonic Aftertouch), EXC (System Exclusive), All
(all events)
When TR is set to “tmp” (T
tmp (tempo)
When TR is set to “scn” (Scene):
Scene Memory (Scene change information), Track
Mute (Track mute setting change information)
n Keep in mind that applying this Job to a track with
sample voices erases the events that trigger the
samples, but it does not erase the actual samples
● [F3]-04 Extract Event
This Job moves all instances of specified event data
from a specified range of a track to the same range
in a different track.
One useful application for this would be to extract
all instances of a certain note out of a track, and
send them to a new track for separate editing.
• Track and range in which data is extracted
❏ Settings Track 01~16
Range 001:1:000~999:16:479
• Event Type
Selects the event type to be extracted.
Specific note and control change numbers can also be
specified as required.
❏ Settings Note (Note : Note number), PC (Program
Change), PB (Pitch Bend), CC: 000-127, all
(Control Change, Control Change number),
CAT (Channel Aftertouch), PAT
(Polyphonic Aftertouch), EXC (System
• Destination track
❏ Settings 01~16
● [F3]-05 Create Continuous Data
This Job creates continuous pitch bend or control
change data over the specified range.
• Event Type
Determines the event type to be created.
❏ Settings PB (Pitch Bend), CC: 000-127, all (Control
Change, Control Change number), CAT
(Channel Aftertouch), EXC (System
Exclusive), tmp (Tempo)
• Data Range
Determines the lower and upper limits for the data range
to be created. The left value is the lower limit, and the
right value is the upper limit.
❏ Settings When Event Type is set to PB
When Event Type is set to tmp:1.0~300.0
When Event Type is set to other :0~127
• Clock
Determines the number of clocks to be inserted between
each created event.
❏ Settings 001~999
• Curve
Determines the “curve” of the continuous data.
Refer to the graph below for approximate curve shapes.
❏ Settings -16 ~+16
Track and range in which data is extracted
Destination track
End point
This distance specified
by Clock
Curve=+16 Curve=0((linear) Curve=-16