E a s y A c c o m p a n i m e n t
Preset Chord Templates
The QY70 also features preset chord progression templates that can
re-harmonize the accompaniment patterns to match preset chord progres-
This is useful when you practice playing along with or studying the
“typical”chord progressions for a variety of musical genres.
To use this template, move the cursor to “USR” to the right of the
chord symbol and select the template using the [+1] and [-1] buttons or the
SHIFT-Number entry method. The preset chord template list is on the List
Fingered chord
Fingered Chord Function
Chords can also be changed by playing the chord, as it is, on the
micro keyboard or an external MIDI keyboard. To enter the chord in this
method, turn the “FNGR”(Fingered Chord function) to “ON”.
You do not need to press [ENTER] for the newly entered chord using
this procedure.
Chord template
• The preset chord templates will repeatedly play chord progressions until the [
] key
is pressed.
• The preset chord templates can be stored as a user chord progression by executing
the “Copy Event” job on page 118.
• The preset chord templates can not be played properly in other than 4/4 time
signature songs, since these templates have been programmed for 4/4 songs. To
play a template properly in the non-4/4 songs, execute the “Copy Event” job to
copy it to “USR”, then edit the chord (Cd) track.