P l a y b a c k C o n t r o l
● Velocity
This parameter sets the “velocity” (i.e. loudness) of the
micro-keyboard. The velocity can be set in ten levels — the more
bars the higher the velocity. There are also four “random veloc-
ity” settings which produce different degrees of random velocity
variation. “R1 produces the smallest variation and “R4” produces
the greatest variation.
● Transposition
The transpose (“TRNS”) parameter can be used to trans-
pose the pitch of song playback up or down by a maximum of 2
octaves in semitone increments. A transpose setting of “+00”
produces normal pitch. To transpose song playback move the
cursor to the “TRNS” parameter and use the [-1] and [+1] keys or
the SHIFT-Number entry method to set as required. Minus
settings transpose down, and plus settings transpose up by the
specified amount. Each increment corresponds to one semitone.
The maximum range is from “-24” through “+00” to “+24”.
● Fingered Chord
This parameter can either be turned “OFF” or “ON”.
When “ON” chords played in the specified “fingered zone” of
the micro-keyboard or an external MIDI keyboard are recognized
by the QY70 and the chord accompaniment track is reharmonized
accordingly. See page 227 for details.