T h e S o n g V o i c e M o d e
The VARI. (variation effect) control appears either as a standard
rotary control or a switch, depending on how the variation effect block is
“connected” to the system in the EFFECT mode (“System” or “Insertion”
— see page 215).
The effect controls — “REVERB”, “CHORUS”, and “VARI.” — set
the level of the corresponding effect for the corresponding parts. Position
the cursor at a control, then use [-1/NO] and [+1/YES] keys or the SHIFT-
Number entry method to set the corresponding effect level. The graphic
control will rotate to the corresponding position (clockwise for higher level,
and counter-clockwise for lower level). The control positions also have
numeric values (000 through 127) that appear at the top of the display:
“000” is no effect and “127” is maximum effect level. When the VARIA-
TION control appears as a switch, it simply turns the current variation
effect on or off (“E” appears in the switch when the variation effect is on).
The Mute/Solo and Voice selectors in the Effect Send display
duplicate those in the VOICE mode mixer display, and have exactly the
same functions.
You can return to the SONG VOICE mixer display by pressing the
[EXIT] key.
• The effect settings apply only to the QY70’s internal voices — i.e. they will not
affect the sound of an external tone generator or synthesizer being driven by the
• When the “VARI.” control appears as a standard rotary control (i.e., the variation
effect block is connected as a “System” effect), the “DRY” rotary control also
appears to control “Dry/Wet” mixing of effects for each track.
When the “VARI.” control appears as a switch (i.e., the variation effect block is
connected as an “Insertion” effect), the “DRY” rotary control disappears. In this
case, “Dry/Wet” mixing can be controlled in the “Vari.Edit” of the Effect Editing
display. (page 216)
Effect send display
VARI. = System effect VARI. = Insertion effect