The Pattern Mode
14. Pattern & Phrase Editing — The Pattern Jobs
RS7000 141
4 Direction
Specifies the direction in which the data will be shifted.
ADVANCE moves the data toward the beginning of the
sequence, while DELAY shifts the data toward the end of the
This job copies all data from a specified source range to a speci-
fied destination location.
[Settings] 001 ~ 256
Source Range
[Settings] Measure:Beat:Clock
001:1:000 ~ 257:1:000
Sets the range of measures/beats/clocks from which the data
will be copied.
Destination Location
[Settings] Measure:Beat:Clock
001:1:000 ~ 256:16:479
Specifies the location to which the data will be copied.
[Settings] 01 ~ 99
Specifies the number of times the data is copied.
This job clears all specified events from the specified range,
effectively producing a segment of silence.
[Settings] 001 ~ 256
Source Range
[Settings] Measure:Beat:Clock
001:1:000 ~ 257:1:000
Sets the range of measures/beats/clocks over which the job
will be applied.
3 Event
[Settings] Note (Note events)
PC (Program change)
PB (Pitch bend)
CC (Control change):000 ~ 127, ALL
CAT (Channel aftertouch)
PAT (Polyphonic aftertouch)
EXC (System exclusive)
ALL (All events)
Sets the event type to be cleared erased.
All events are cleared when ALL is selected.
Individual control change numbers can be specified when
erasing control change events.
• Note that there are 480 clock cycles per quar-
ter note.
• If the Clock Shift job results in data being moved
beyond the beginning of the pattern, the data
will be grouped at the beginning of the pattern.
• If the Clock Shift job results in data being moved
beyond the end of the pattern, the data which
falls beyond the end of the pattern will be
11 Copy Event
When Copy Event is executed any data already
existing at the Destination location will be over-
When this job is applied to a phrase which uses
sample voices, the note events which trigger
the sample voice will be erased so that the sam-
ple voice does not sound, but the sample voice
itself is not erased.