6. The Pattern Chain Jobs
RS7000 173
The Pattern Chain Mode
Creates empty measures at the specified location.
Insert Point
[Settings] 001 ~ 999
Specifies the insert point (measure number) at which the
newly created blank measures will be inserted.
[Settings] 1/16 ~ 16/16, 1/8 ~ 16/8, 1/4 ~ 8/4
Specifies the meter of the measures to be created.
Number of Measures
[Settings] 01 ~ 99
Specifies the number of empty measures to be created and
Deletes the specified measures.
Delete Range
[Settings] 001 ~ 999
Specifies the range of measures to be deleted.
Converts the current pattern chain to performance data and copies
the data to a specified song.
03 Create Measure
• When empty measures are inserted, measure
and meter data following the insert point are
moved forward accordingly.
• If the insert point is set after the last measure
containing data, only the meter data at that
point is set without actually inserting the mea-
001~004 005~016
001~004 005~012 013~024
The inserted 8 measures
8 measures inserted at measure 5
Original data
1 2
[Knob 2]
[Knob 3]
04 Delete Measure
• Measure and meter data following the deleted
measures are moved backward accordingly.
05 Convert to Song
• Pattern chains cannot be selected from this
display page. Be sure to select the pattern
chain you want to convert while in the PAT-
TERN Chain mode, then select this job.
• Local sample voices used by the styles in the
chain will also be copied to the song as local
sample voices. If multiple styles are used in a
chain, however, only the local sample voice of
the style used in the last measure of the chain
will be copied.
001~004 005~016
001~004 005~012 013~024
Original data
Measures M005 ~ M012 deleted
[Knob 2] [Knob 3] [F4]