
4. Error Message List
290 RS7000
Other Messages (Not Errors)
Are you sure? NO[F2]/
Conrms that you want to execute a specied operation. Press [F2] or [F3] as
Cant Undo. Cancel [F2]/OK
When some jobs are executed the internal memory becomes full and undo
cannot be used. Press [F3] if this is OK, or [F2] to abort the operation. Try again
after erasing unwanted songs, patterns, or user phrases.
Completed The specied load, save, format, or other job has been completed.
Executing A format operation or job is being executed. Please wait.
Loading ... (xxxxxxxx)
Abort [F3]
Appears when a le is being loaded. Press [F3] to abort the load operation.
Overwrite? NO[F2]/YES[F3] A save operation will overwrite data on the card or disk, and this message con-
rms whether it is OK to continue. Press [F2] or [F3] as required.
Overwrite Sample Voice?
Cancel [F2]/OK [F3]
When executing Create after Realtime Loop Remix this message conrms
whether it is OK to overwrite the sample voice in the current track. Press [F3] to
overwrite, or [F2] to abort.
Saving ... (xxxxxxxx)
Abort [F3]
Appears when a le is being saved. Press [F3] to abort the save operation.
Same Common Sample Voice
Number. Skip All [F2]/Renum-
ber [F3]
Appears when a pattern or song which uses common sample voices is loaded
and a common sample voice will be loaded into a number which already con-
tains data. Press [F2] skip loading the common sample voice data, or [F3] load
the data after renumbering the voice.
Sequence or Sample Voice
Exists. Cancel [F2]/
Replace [F3]
Appears when sequence or sample data already exists in a track selected in
the sampling setup display.