
Basics Section
Function Tree chart
LCD Display (parameter name) LCD
Owner's Manual
Multi Edit 56
Name 1 56
Total Vol (Total Volume) 2 56
Transpose 3 56
RevEF (Reverb Effect Type) 4 56
Reverb Parameters 5 56
Rev Return (Reverb Return) 6 56
Reverb Pan 7 57
ChoEF (Chorus Effect Type) 8 57
Chorus Parameters 9 57
Cho Return (Chorus Return) 10 57
Chorus Pan 11 57
SndChoRev (Send Chorus to Reverb) 12 57
VarEF (Variation Effect Type) 13 57
Variation Parameters 14 57
VarConnect (Variation Connection) 15 58
Var Return (Variation Return) 16 58
Var Pan 17 58
SndVarRev (Send Variation to Reverb) 18 58
SndVarRev (Send Variation to Chorus) 19 58
MW VarCtl (MW Variation Effect Control Depth) 20 58
AC1VarCtl (AC1 Variation Effect Control Depth) 21 59
Voice Selection 1 59
Volume 2 60
Pan 3 60
NtLmt-H (Note Limit Low/High) 4 60
VelLmt-L (Velocity Limit Low/High) 5 60
Rcv Ch (MIDI Receive Channel) 6 61
NoteShift/Detune 7 61
Mono/Poly 8 61
Part Mode 9 61
VelSnsDpt/Ofs (Velocity Sensitivity Depth/Offset) 10 62
Cutoff/Resonance 11 63
Attack/Decay/Releas Tm (Attack/Decay/Release Time) 12 63
PEG L/Tm (PEG Level/Time) 13 64
Vib Rate/Depth/Delay (Vibrato Rate/Depth/Delay) 14 64
Porta Sw/Time (Portamento Switch/Time) 15 65
PB Range (Pitch Bend Range) 16 65
MW FltCtl (MW Filter Control) 17 65
MW PMod (MW Pitch Modulation Depth) 18 65
MW FMod (MW Filter Modulation Depth) 18 65
MW AMod (MW Amplitude Modulation Depth) 18 65
AC1 CC No (AC1 Control Change Number) 19 66
AC1FltCtl (AC1 Filter Control) 20 66
AC1 FMod (AC1 Filter Modulation Depth) 21 66
AC1 AMod (AC1 Amplitude Modulation Depth) 21 66
ReverbSend 22 66
ChorusSend 23 66
Var Send (Variation Send) 24 67
Multi Job 67
Init (Initialize) 1 68
CpyVar (Copy Variation Effect) 2 68
CpyCtl (Copy Controller) 3 68
CpyPart (Copy Part) 4 68
BlkDmp (Bulk Dump) 5 68
LCD Display (parameter name) LCD
Owner's Manual
Voice Edit 71
Name 1 71
Total Vol/Lvl (Total Volume/Level) 2 71
Mono/Poly 3 71
VelSnsDpt/Ofs (Velocity Sensitivity Depth/Offset) 4 72
Porta Sw/Time (Portamento Switch/Time) 5 72
PB Range (Pitch Bend Range) 6 72
MW FltCtl (MW Filter Control) 7 72
MW PMod (MW Pitch Modulation Depth) 8 72
MW FMod (MW Filter Modulation Depth) 8 72
MW AMod (MW Amplitude Modulation Depth) 8 72
AC1FltCtl (AC1 Filter Control) 9 72
AC1 FMod (AC1 Filter Modulation Depth) 10 72
AC1 AMod (AC1 Amplitude Modulation Depth) 10 72
ReverbSend 11 72
ChorusSend 12 72
SndChoRev (Send Chorus to Reverb) 13 72
VarEF (Variation Effect Type) 14 72
Variation Parameters 15 72
MW VarCtl (MW Variation Effect Control Depth) 16 72
AC1 VarCtl (AC1 Variation Effect Control Depth) 17 72
OSC/MIX (Oscillator/Mixer)
Element Sw (Element Switch) 1 73
Wave Selection 2 73
Level 3 73
Pan 4 73
NtLmt-L/H (Note Limit Low/High) 5 73
VelLmt-L/H (Velocity Limit Low/High) 6 74
NoteShift/Detune 7 74
PchSclSns (Pitch Scale Sensitivity) 8 74
PchSclCN (Pitch Scale Center Note) 8 74
PEG R (PEG Rate) 9 75
PEG L (PEG Level) 10 75
PEGSclSns (PEG Scale Sensitivity) 11 76
PEGSclCN (PEG Scale Center Note) 11 76
PEGRtVel (PEG Rate Velocity) 12 76
PEGLvlVel (PEG Level Velocity) 12 76
Cutoff/Resonance 13 77
CutoffVel (Cutoff Velocity Sensitivity) 14 77
ResoVel (Resonance Velocity Sensitivity) 14 77
FltSclFlag (Filter Scale Flag) 15 77
Flt BP1~4 (Filter Scale Break Point 1~4) 16 78
Flt Ofs1~4 (Filter Scale Offset 1~4) 17 78
FltSclSns (Filter Scale Sensitivity) 18 78
FltSclVel (Filter Scale Velocity Sensitivity) 18 78
FEG R (FEG Rate) 19 79
FEG L (FEG Level) 20 79
FEGSclSens (FEG Scale Sensitivity) 21 79
FEGAtkVel (FEG Attack Velocity) 22 80
FEGOthVel (FEG Other Velocity) 22 80
AMP (Amplitude)
AEG R (AEG Rate) 23 80
AEG L (AEG Level) 24 80
AEGSclSens (AEG Scale Sensitivity) 25 81
AEGLvlVel (AEG Level Velocity Sensitivity) 26 81
AEGAtkVel (AEG Attack Velocity Sensitivity) 26 81
LvlSclFlag (AEG Level Scale Flag) 27 81
Lvl BP1~4 (Level Break Point 1~4) 28 81
Lvl Ofs1~4 (Level Offset 1~4) 29 82
LvlSclSens (Level Scale Sensitivity) 30 82
KeyonDelay 31 82
LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator)
LFO Wave 32 82
LFO Phase (LFO Phase Initialize) 32 82
LFO Speed 33 83
LFO PMod (LFO Pitch Modulation) 34 83
LFO FMod (LFO Filter Modulation) 34 83
LFO AMod (LFO Amplitude Modulation) 34 83
PLFODelay (Pitch LFO Delay) 35 83
PLFO Fade (Pitch LFO Fade Time) 35 83