
RPN (Registered Parameter Number)LSB
(Control #100)
RPN (Registered Parameter Number)MSB
(Control #101)
Messages which offset, or add or subtract values from a
Part’s pitch bend sensitivity, tuning, or other parameter
First send the RPN MSB and RPN LSB to specify the
parameter which is to be controlled. Then use Data
Increment/Decrement (page 97) to set the value of the
specified parameter.
Note that once the RPN has been set for a channel,
subsequent data entry will be recognized as the same
RPN’s value change. Therefore after you use the RPN,
you should set a Null (7FH, 7FH) value to avoid an
unexpected result.
The following RPN numbers can be received.
Channel Mode Messages
The following Channel Mode Messages can be received.
All Sounds Off (Control #120)
Clears all sounds currently sounding on the specified
channel. However, the status of channel messages such as
Note On and Hold On is maintained.
Reset All Controllers (Control #121)
The values of the following controllers will be reset to the
All Notes Off (Control #123)
Clears all notes currently on for the specified channel.
However, if Hold1 or Sostenuto is on, notes will continue
sounding until these are turned off.
Mono (Control #126)
Performs the same function as when an All Sounds Off
message is received, and if the 3rd byte (mono number) is
in the range of 0 - 16, sets the corresponding channel to
Mono Mode (Mode 4 : m = 1).
Poly (Control #127)
Performs the same function as when an All Sounds Off
message is received, and sets the corresponding channel
to Poly Mode.
Program Change
Messages which determine which voice to select for each
With a combination of Bank Select, you can select not
only basic voice numbers, but also variation voice bank
Channel Aftertouch
Messages which let you control the sounds by the
pressure you apply to the keys after the initial striking of
the keys, over the entire channel.
The S03 does not transmit this data from the keyboard;
however, the S03 does properly respond to this data when
received from an external device.
Polyphonic Aftertouch
Messages which let you control the sounds by the
pressure you apply to the keys after the initial striking of
the keys, for each individual key.
The S03 does not transmit this data from the keyboard;
however, the S03 does properly respond to this data when
received from an external device.
Pitch Bend
Pitch Bend messages are continuous controller messages
that allow the pitch of designated notes to be raised or
lowered by a specified amount over a specified duration.
00 00 Pitch Bend Sensitivity
00 01 Fine Tune
00 02 Coarse Tune
7F 7F Null
120 0 All Sounds Off
121 0 Reset All Controllers
123 0 All Notes Off
126 0 ~ 16 Mono
127 0 Poly
Pitch Bend Change 0 (center)
Aftertouch 0 (off)
Polyphonic Aftertouch
0 (off)
Modulation 0 (off)
Expression 127 (max)
Hold1 0 (off)
Portamento 0 (off)
Sostenuto 0 (off)
Soft Pedal 0 (off)
Portamento Control Cancels the Portamento source key number
Number not specified; internal data will not change
Number not specified; internal data will not change