
Basics Section
n For parameters in different modes having the same name, the available parameter values and settings for that parameter may
differ depending on the mode. Refer to each parameter explanation for details.
n For details on parameters for the Reverb, Chorus and Variation effects, refer to the separate Data List.
n For information on the Job pages, refer to the Function Tree chart (page 20).
* In the Multi mode, the Voice Common Effect/Controller settings are ignored, and the Multi settings become effective. The Variation
Effect/Controller settings of the Voice mode can be copied to the Multi mode by using the Multi Job function (page 68).
OSC/MIX (Oscillator/Mixer) Element Sw (Element Switch) 173
Wave Selection 273
Level 385
Alt.Group (Alternate Group) 385
Key Assign 485
RxNoteOff/On (Receive Note On/Off) 586
PITCH NoteShift/Detune 7 7 61, 74
PchSclSns (Pitch Scale Sensitivity) 874
PchSclCN (Pitch Scale Center Note) 8 74
PEG R (PEG Rate) 975
PEG L (PEG Level) 10 75
PEGSclSns (PEG Scale Sensitivity) 11 76
PEGSclCN (PEG Scale Center Note) 11 76
PEGRtVel (PEG Rate Velocity) 12 76
PEGLvlVel (PEG Level Velocity) 12 76
PitchCors/Fine (Pitch Coarse/Fine) 686
FILTER Cutoff/Resonance 11 13 7 63, 77, 86
CutoffVel (Cutoff Velocity Sensitivity) 14 77
ResoVel (Resonance Velocity Sensitivity) 14 77
FltSclFlag (Filter Scale Flag) 15 77
Flt BP1~4 (Filter Scale Break Point 1~4) 16 78
Flt Ofs1~4 (Filter Scale Offset 1~4) 17 78
FltSclSns (Filter Scale Sensitivity) 18 78
FltSclVel (Filter Scale Velocity Sensitivity) 18 78
FEG R (FEG Rate) 19 79
FEG L (FEG Level) 20 79
FEGSclSens (FEG Scale Sensitivity) 21 79
FEGAtkVel (FEG Attack Velocity) 22 80
FEGOthVel (FEG Other Velocity) 22 80
AMP (Amplitude) AEG R (AEG Rate) 23 80
AEG L (AEG Level) 24 80
AEGSclSens (AEG Scale Sensitivity) 25 81
AEGLvlVel (AEG Level Velocity Sensitivity) 26 81
AEGAtkVel (AEG Attack Velocity Sensitivity) 26 81
LvlSclFlag (AEG Level Scale Flag) 27 81
Lvl BP1~4 (Level Break Point 1~4) 28 81
Lvl Ofs1~4 (Level Offset 1~4) 29 82
LvlSclSens (Level Scale Sensitivity) 30 82
KeyonDelay 31 82
EG Attack/Decay1/Decay2(EG Attack/Decay1/Decay2 Rate)
LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator) LFO Wave 32 82
LFO Phase (LFO Phase Initialize) 32 82
LFO Speed 33 83
LFO PMod (LFO Pitch Modulation) 34 83
LFO FMod (LFO Filter Modulation) 34 83
LFO AMod (LFO Amplitude Modulation) 34 83
PLFODelay (Pitch LFO Delay) 35 83
PLFO Fade (Pitch LFO Fade Time) 35 83
TG (Tone Generator) MasterTune 190
KEYBOARD Kbd Trans (Keyboard Transpose) 290
Vel Curve (Velocity Curve) 390
Fixed Vel (Fixed Velocity) 390
MIDI CHANNEL Device No (Device Number) 193
Local Sw (Local On/Off Switch) 293
Rcv Ch (Voice Mode MIDI Receive Channel) 394
Trans Ch (MIDI Transmit Channel) 494
MIDI FILTER RxPgmChng (Receive Program Change On/Off) 594
RxBankSel (Receive Bank Select On/Off) 594
TxPgmChng (Transmit Program Change On/Off) 694
TxBankSel (Transmit Bank Select On/Off) 694
Thru Port 794
Multi Edit Voice Edit
Parameter Type LCD Display (parameter name)
Common Part
Common Element/Key Manual
Normal Drum Normal Drum