AMX NXT-CV7 Car Video System User Manual

7" Modero Widescreen Touch Panels
Troubleshooting Information (Cont.)
Symptom Solution
I updated my panel firmware but
my Battery Base page doesn’t
seem to be working properly.
Cycle power manually to the panel and check the Battery Base page
after startup.
Verify that you are using the most current v2.XX Modero firmware.
If downloading the firmware to the panel via a COM port, try using an
IP Address and retry the download of the firmware to the panel.
My Modero panel isn’t appearing
in my Workspace window.
Verify that the System number is the same on both the NetLinx
Workspace window and the System Connection page on the Modero
Verify you have entered the proper NetLinx Master IP and connection
methods into the Master Connection section of the System
Connection page.
My Modero panel can’t obtain a
DHCP Address
In requesting a DHCP Address, the DHCP Server can take up to a few
minutes to provide the address.
Verify there is an active Ethernet connection attached to the rear of
the Modero before beginning these procedures.
•Select Diagnostics > Network Address, from the Main menu and
verify the System number.
If the IP Address field is still empty, give the Modero a few minutes to
negotiate a DHCP Address and try again.
My NXT-BP battery pack is
blinking when I check the battery
life indicator.
A blinking battery life LED indicates that there is less than 10% power
charge remaining on the battery.
It is recommended that you fully charge the battery either in the
NXA-BASE/1 battery base or in the NXT-CHG battery charger.
Refer to the NXA-BASE/1 Battery Base Kit (FG2255-05K) section on
page 22 and NXT-CHG Battery Charger Kit (FG2255-50K) section
on page 25 for more information.
My panel is not showing up in the
Virtual Master’s System list of
connected devices.
If you a Virtual Master has already connected to the target panel, the
G4 device retains the information of the previous Virtual Master System
Reboot the panel without the USB cable plugged into the panel.
•Configure NetLinx Studio for a Virtual Master connection. Note the
System Number used in the Edit Settings window.
Stop communication on the Virtual Master by going to Settings >
Stop Communications.
•Click Yes to stop communication.
Select the System Number (from the Online Tree tab) and use a right
mouse click to select Refresh System. This re-establishes
communication with the Virtual Master.
Plug-in the mini-USB cable into the corresponding port on the panel.
Wait a few seconds and refresh the system. This re-establishes
communication with the Virtual Master. The panel should now
appear in the list of available devices.