Boss Audio Systems 835ui Car Stereo System User Manual

RDS functions
- AF AlternativeFrequencies
- CT ClockTime
- PI Programidentifications
- PS Programservicename
- PTY ProgramType
- TA TrafficAnnouncement
- TP Trafficprogram
The unit is equipped with the following RDS function:
1. TA Function
Hold & pressthe XBS/TAbutton to turn On theTAstandby mode, the “TA”icon will be appear in
the display. In the stand by mode, when a traffic announcement broadcast starts, the traffic
announcementbroadcastwillbereceivedas toppriorityregardlessofthefunction mode.When
a traffic announcement starts, “TRAFFIC INFO” will show on the LCD, press the TA button can
cancelled the broadcast reception while a traffic announcement broadcast is being received.
Theunit will go back to the previous mode and TAgoes into standby mode again. When the TP
icon is not light up for 60 seconds. A beep Alarm tone is heard and the LCD will show “Lost TP,
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