Classe Audio AMP5 Car Amplifier User Manual

In general, you should refer any service problems to your Classé dealer. Before
contacting your dealer, however, check to see if the problem is listed here.
1. No sound, and Standby LED is not lit.
• eamplierisnotpluggedintotheACmains,ortheACmains
are down (circuit breaker, fuse).
• Abrown-outorshort-termlossofpowermightrequirethe
internal microprocessor to be reset. Unplug the unit for at least
30 seconds and then plug it in again and try powering it up.
• eACmainsfuseisblown.SeeTroubleshooting #4, below (or
contact your Classé dealer).
• eACmainsisoutofrange.Checkthelinevoltagesupplying
the amplier.
2. No sound, and Standby LED is blinking red.
• eprotectioncircuitryhasbeenengaged.
• Press and hold the standby button to reset the amplier.
• If the amplier does not reset or continues to go into protection
mode, disconnect the amplier from the AC mains, and
disconnect all inputs and outputs.
• Trytopoweruptheamplieragain,connectingitonlytoAC
power. If the LED continues to blink, there is a fault condition
in the amplier itself and it should be disconnected and taken to
your Classé dealer for service.
• Ifitpowersupwithoutanydiculty,rstpoweritbackdown
and reconnect only the inputs, then restart the amplier. If
it again powers up normally, there may be a problem such as
shorted speaker leads. Check the connections to conrm there
are no obvious shorts, then connect rst one channel, followed
by the other, to conrm either that there is no longer a shorted
lead or if there is, which channel is shorted.
3. The amplifier keeps shutting off.
• Makesureyouareprovidingadequateventilationtothe
amplier and that the ambient room temperature is below 105°F
• Runthroughthetroubleshootingsequenceoutlinedabove
(assuming the amplier is going into its protection mode).
• eamplierlogsallprotectioncircuitevents--theseareviewable
or by your dealer on a PC using a special diagnostic program.
Contact your dealer to assess the likely cause of the trouble.