8. Install the front panel (CT-M600 only).
Once all connections have been made and the amplier is veried to be
working correctly, remove the front panel from its packing and rmly press
it into place.
NOTE: If the CT-M600 is NOT installed in an equipment rack, the
front panel should be secured to the chassis using the supplied security
tabs. ese will prevent the faceplate from unexpectedly popping o if
someone should try to lift the amplier by its front panel.
CAN-Bus Classé’sControllerAreaNetwork,orCAN-Bus,opensthewaytoanewlevel
of interaction between our Delta range of ampliers, preamps, processors
and source components.
creating a “global” network that delivers system wide status information and
shared operational features, all through the touchscreen display.
features CAN-BuswillallowaDeltaorCTseriestouchscreento:
• Displaystatusinformationforeveryconnectedunit,including
ampliers which do not have a touchscreen display.
• Createa“PlayLink”thatallowsanSSPorPreamptoautomatically
switch to the correct input when a Delta series source component
starts playback.
• Adjusttheglobalsystembrightness.
• Conguretheentiresystemtogoinandoutofstandbyatthe
touch of a button and also bring individual components in and
out of standby.
• Muteanyconnectedunit.
hardware setup 1 Classé Delta or CT Series Products
which must have a touchscreen display.
2 Category 5 Network Cables
ese are ordinary network cables, commonly used for broadband Internet
connections. ey should be typical “straight through” cables not the “crossed
over” type, and the total required will be one less than the total number of
3 CAN-Bus Terminator
chain. One is
hey are also
available free of charge from your nearest Classé Customer Support Centre
4 SSP-300 & 600 CAN-Bus Interface Box
Systems that include an SSP-600 or SSP-300 will also require an
available free of charge
from your nearest Classé Customer Support Centre