Special Design Features
highly refined
circuit design
is Classé amplier benets from the use of high quality component parts,
application of advanced electronics design principles and exhaustive testing. Its
design uses fewer parts in the signal path than is typical, while also achieving
outstanding measured performance. is unusual accomplishment showcases
extensive listening tests Excellent measured performance is to be expected in world-class products, and
Classé products deliver that performance. However, experience has shown that
technical excellence alone is insucient to guarantee subjectively musical results.
For this reason, all Classé products are laboriously ne-tuned during the
development process by carefully controlled listening tests. Our ears are still
some of the nest laboratory test instruments available, and nicely complement
more traditional engineering test equipment. We rely on careful listening tests,
which we view as a necessary complement to the solid engineering you should
rightly expect from Classé.
extraordinary longevity eClasséDesignTeamhasaccumulatedvastexperienceinwhatworkswell
over the long term.
By using only the highest quality parts to begin with, and then using them in an
informed way as a result of both accelerated aging experiments and actual long-
term experience, we are able to design and manufacture products which we are
condent will stand the test of time.
We are condent that your new Classé amplier will give you many years of
trouble-free reliability and musical enjoyment, just as previous Classé products
have given their owners.