What appears to be trouble is not always serious. Check the following points before calling a service
Symptoms Causes Remedies
• A cassette tape cannot be You have tried to insert a cassette Insert the cassette with the
inserted. in the wrong way. exposed tape facing to the right.
• A cassette tape cannot be Cassette ejection is prohibited. While holding TAPE 23,
ejected. press 0 (eject) for more than
2 seconds. (see page 11.)
• Cassette tapes become hot. This is not a malfunction.
• Tape sound is at very low The tape head is dirty. Clean it with a head cleaning
level and sound quality is tape.
• Sound is sometimes Connections are not good. Check the cords and
interrupted. connections.
• Sound cannot be heard from The volume level is set to the Adjust it to the optimum level.
the speakers. minimum level.
Connections are incorrect. Check the cords and
• SSM (Strong-station Signals are too weak. Store stations manually.
Sequential Memory)
automatic preset does
not work.
• Static noise while listening The antenna is not connected Connect the antenna firmly.
to the radio. firmly.
• This unit does not work at all. The built-in microcomputer While holding SEL (select),
may function incorrectly due press (standby/on/
to noise, etc. attenuator) for more than
2 seconds. (The clock setting
and preset stations stored in
memory are erased.)
(See page 2.)
EN25-28.KS-FX621[U]f-1 12/13/02, 1:29 PM25