[Reset]: Resets all [Advanced Settings] to the default values (except for [White Balance]).
[Black Corrector]: Enhances black areas of the picture for stronger contrast.
[Adv. Contrast Enhancer]: Automatically optimises [Backlight] and [Contrast] according to the
brightness of the screen. This setting is effective for dark images and scenes.
[Gamma]: Adjusts the balance between light and dark areas of the picture.
[Auto Light Limiter]: Reduces glare such as in scenes where the entire screen is white.
[Clear White]: Emphasises whiteness in the picture.
[Live Colour]: Makes colours more vivid.
[White Balance]: Adjusts the red, green and blue level of the picture.
[Detail Enhancer]: Enhances the details of the picture.
[Edge Enhancer]: Enhances the edges of the picture.
[Skin Naturaliser]: Detects faces and reproduces natural skin tone.
[Display Speed Preference]: Reduces the picture delay to optimise the response to game
controllers/PC mouse operation by selecting [On].
[LED Motion Mode]: Reduces motion blur.
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