Eclipse avn726ea Car Video System User Manual

When you change to back gear, the screen will turn white and then the image will quickly return
to the screen.
If the camera unit is exposed to strong light such as sunlight or headlights, a vertically-oriented
white zone may appear.
If the camera is used for a long period of time, white scratches or vertical lines appear as the
temperature rises. Note that these phenomena are caused by the CCD characteristics.
The rear view camera is equipped with a special lens; therefore, distances perceived through
viewing the video screen will be different from actual distances.
When camera is set to AUTO
This changes to the rear view camera
When you shift out of the back gear, the
screen that was being displayed before the
rearward images returns.
When camera is set to MANUAL
This changes to the rear view camera
Touch to return to the immediately
preceding screen.
Imaging with the Rear
View Camera
Shift to the back gear.
Press .
Touch .
Touch .
Camera Screen