3WXM uses a set of rules to verify WX switch configurations. Changes to
a switch’s configuration in 3WXM or in the live network are automatically
evaluated by comparing the changes to the rules. If the evaluation
detects any error or warning conditions, the information in the Alerts
panel is updated:
Errors or warnings in a switch’s configuration in 3WXM affect the
Configuration counts.
Errors or warnings in the network affect the Network counts.
Verification Tabs Click on Configuration or Network in the Alerts panel to display the
Verification tabs in the Content panel.
The Verification tab contains a Config Verification tab and a Network
Verification tab:
The Config Verification tab shows errors and warnings for switch
configuration information in 3WXM.
The Network Verification tab shows errors and warnings for
configuration information in the network. The errors and warnings
can be for switch configuration items and for the monitoring service.
On each tab, the Message column lists error descriptions in red and lists
warning descriptions in orange:
Errors are serious problems that must be addressed before
deployment. By default, you cannot deploy a network plan with errors
in it. After fixing errors, verify the network plan again to ensure that
the errors have been resolved.
Warnings are noncritical issues that do not stop deployment. Review
any warnings and consider resolving the issues before deployment.