Sessions in the location history are sorted from newest to oldest, with the
oldest session at the bottom of the list and the newest session at the top.
Table 52 lists the information displayed on the tab.
Managing the Client
Watch List
You can add clients to a watch list. The watch list allows you to monitor
client roaming history and network performance. 3WXM monitors the
clients on the watch list by MAC address.
Adding a Client to the Watch List
You can add a client to the watch list using either of the following
On the Client Session tab, select the client, then click on the
Client Monitor window’s toolbar.
Use the Find Client dialog box to find the client’s information, then
select the Watch option.
Using the Find Client dialog box to find a user You can use 3WXM
to find users (network clients) on the network. You can search for
individual users based on specific criteria, or you can find all users in a
Mobility Domain.
Table 52 Location History Columns
Column Description
Start Time Date and time when the session with this radio began. The
date and time are based on the system date and time of
the WX switch that is managing the radio with which the
client is associated.
Location Name of the radio with which the client associated at the
start time listed in the Start Time column.