
(For more information about this option, see “Replacing a Switch and
Reusing its Configuration” on page 342.)
7 To change the name of the key store file that contains the encryption keys
the 3WXM Services uses for authentication with 3WXM, edit the name in
the File box. The default name is .services_keystore.
8 To change the password that protects access to the key store file, edit the
value in the Password box.
9 To specify the file type for the key store file, select one of the following:
PKCS12 — Public-Key Cryptography Standard number 12, the
standard format used by Unix machines.
JKS — Java Key Store, a format used by Java platforms and
10 To restrict access to 3WXM Services to specific users “Restricting Access
to 3WXM” on page 50.
11 Click another tab to configure more settings or click Close to close the
3WXM Services Setup dialog box.
Changing WX
The WX connection settings control the timeout and retries for
connections with monitored WX switches, and the types of certificates
the service will accept from the WX switches.
1 Select Tools > 3WXM Services Setup. The 3WXM Services Setup dialog
box appears.
2 Click the WXs Connection Settings tab.
3 To change the number of seconds 3WXM Services waits for a TCP
connection with a WX switch to reach the Connect stage, type or select
the value in the Connect Timeout box. You can specify from 1 to 30
seconds. The default is 15 seconds.
4 To change the number of times 3WXM Services will reattempt to query a
WX switch, if 3WXM Services does not receive a reply to the first query
attempt within the connect timeout, type or select the value in the Retry
Count box. You can specify from 0 to 5 retries. The default is 5 retries.
5 To prevent 3WXM Services from accepting all types of certificates from
the WX switches it monitors, click Accept all certificates to disable the