An "x" placed at the beginning of any IP Telephony Manager command omits
command parameters and the target slot and channel designation-only the
target IP address or hostname is required. Graphic user interfaces (GUIs), such
as the IP Telephony Manager device display, appear and assist you in selecting
component parameters and targets.
When using the "x" prefix, for any IP Telephony Manager command, only the
target IP address or hostname is required. All other parameters are optional.
For example, if you want to make a modem go off hook, you could simply
send the following command:
First, the device display appears, allowing you to select targets for the
command. After you select your targets, the Command window appears,
allowing you to select and execute the Off Hook command.
[-l logfile]
The filename for the log
If omitted from the command line, messages are sent to the screen by default
(handled as stderr).
If using the x prefix, messages are sent to syslog
To send messages to syslog by default, specify "-" (hyphen) in place of logfile
("-l-" can be sent by itself, it doesn’t have to be included in the command
The "-l-" command also changes the GUI default log output to stderr.
This switch can be used by itself to display the syntax for a given utility.