This chapter describes how to configure CommWorks IP Telephony Manager.
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ Management Station Configuration
■ Component Configuration
■ Synchronizing Network Time
■ Auto Response
■ Setting Authorized Stations
■ Defining a Range of IP Addresses for Authorized Access
■ Threshold Monitoring Configuration
■ Saving and Restoring Configurations
Refer to Chapter 3 for a complete description of the IP Telephony Manager
Unless otherwise specified, this document uses the generic term edge server to
refer to either the edge server card or the EdgeServer Pro card.
Management Station
You should not need to configure your management station after installing IP
Telephony Manager for UNIX. IP Telephony Manager adds the following files to
locations as set up in $OV_BIN/ov.envvars.sh:
Table 7 Files added to HP OpenView Windows Directories
Category File location
Field definitions $OV_FIELDS/C/usr_fields
Application registration $OV_REGISTRATION/C/USRobotics
$OV_SYMBOLS/C/Connector/USR* (various)
CommWorks icon bitmaps $OV_BITMAPS/C/connector/usr.* (various)
CommWorks MIB $OV_SNMP_MIBS/Vendor/USRobotics/usr-mib
OID-to-symbol mappings appended to $OV_CONF/C/oid_to_sym