File Menu 53
Save Chassis NVRAM
The Save Chassis NVRAM submenu saves the Media Gateway chassis
configuration to a specific file on NVRAM. Refer to Chapter 2 for more
information on saving the chassis to NVRAM (IP Telephony Manager Chassis
Console only).
Restore Chassis NVRAM
The Restore Chassis NVRAM submenu restores the Media Gateway chassis
configuration from a specified file. You can also use this submenu to configure
another chassis by using the configuration saved on this file. Refer to Chapter
2 for more information about restoring the Media Gateway chassis
configuration (IP Telephony Manager Chassis Console only).
Save CFM Submenu The Save CFM Submenu saves the chassis or server configuration to a specified
Configuration File Management (CFM) file. Refer to Chapter 2 for more
information about saving the Media Gateway chassis or the server from a CFM
Restore CFM Submenu The Restore CFM submenu restores the chassis or server configuration by using
a specified CFM file. Refer to Chapter 2 for more information on restoring the
Media Gateway chassis or the server from a CFM file.
Import SDL Files
The Import SDL Files submenu copies the Software Download (SDL) files to a
specified directory. Refer to Chapter 4 for more information on upgrading your
system using the Software Download menu (IP Telephony Manager Chassis
Console only).
Figure 27 Software Download Window
Exit Submenu The Exit submenu closes the current IP Telephony Manager session.