Execution Errors 93
The selected configuration file was saved from a chassis of a different size. Continue?
Select either Yes or No.
.whb file does not match chassis size
Fatal error unless -F (force mismatch) is specified.
The selected configuration file is from a chassis with a different card configuration. Continue?
Select either Yes or No.
Chassis Save The following are the Chassis Save error messages and what they indicate.
<file> already used by another process
Another program is currently saving to the specified file.
error opening <file>
<file> is on a remote machine.
link to that machine is no longer active
A remote mount of the file is not working.
unable to lock <file>
The lock mechanism that prevents two users from writing the same file is in
deadlock (due to a system error or unusual race condition).
There is no matching configuration to save
No working, known cards in the chassis contain any configurable parameters
to be saved.
Command Tool The following are the Command Tool error messages and what they indicate.
An unrecoverable error has occurred.
An SNMP error or other problem prevented the cycle of commands from being
issued to all target devices. The user may retry the command if desired (GUI);
fatal in non-GUI. Detailed error information may be available in the IP
Telephony Manager log.
Unrecoverable error
An SNMP error or other problem prevented the cycle of commands from being
issued to all target devices. The user may retry the command if desired (GUI);
fatal in non-GUI. Detailed error information may be available in the IP
Telephony Manager log.
Error in time slot specification
The user was prompted for target time slots; after selection, an internal error
occurred. (GUI only)