Connecting audio
The Smashup will work in many different applications, whether
you are connecting an instrument directly into it, or connecting it
through a mixing console. But since the Smashup is a stereo
effect unit, it’s important to know whether the source will be
stereo or mono.
In-line connection
If you’re connecting a keyboard, guitar or bass directly to the
Smashup, hook it up this way:
1. Connect a 1/4" phone cord to the [LEFT/MONO] INPUT
of the Smashup from the instrument.
2. Connect another 1/4" phone cord from the LEFT OUTPUT
of the Smashup to an amplification system or mixer input.
3. If the instrument and amp or mixer is stereo, connect a
second pair of 1/4" phone cords from the instrument to the
RIGHT INPUT of the Smashup, and connect the RIGHT
OUTPUT of the Smashup to the other input of the stereo
amplification system, or the next mixer input.
4. If you’re connecting directly to a stereo mixer, pan the two
channels hard left and hard right to get the maximum effect.
Whe n co n ne cting a ud io
c ab le s a nd /o r tur nin g po wer
o n an d o ff, m ak e su r e th a t all
d ev ic es in y o ur s ys tem a r e
tur ne d o ff a n d th e v olum e
c on tr ols a re tu rn ed do wn .
Turn up the trim...
os t gu ita rs an d ba s se s h av e
r elativ e ly lo w ou tp u t le v els.
or the qu ie tes t effec t, tu rn
u p th e v olum e o n th e g uitar to
ull, th en c r an k up th e
[ TRIM] c on tr o l on th e ba c k
o f th e S ma sh u p un til the
S IG NAL LED o n its to p pa n el
la sh es re d while y o u pla y,
the n ba c k it off a b it.