
Connecting to equipment with XLR inputs
and outputs:
If you are connecting the Smashup to a product with XLR
balanced inputs and outputs, you will need to convert this signal to
a 1/4” unbalanced connector. Make sure that Pin 2 of the XLR
connector is connected to the Tip of the 1/4” adapter or cable.
Watch out for high levels, however: some XLR sources put out
levels close to the maximum the Smashup can accept (about +12
dBu) even when its trim is at minimum. Lower the level of the
source if the [SIGNAL] LED flashes red.
About audio cables
The connections between the Smashup and your studio are your
music’s lifeline, so use only high quality cables. These should be
low-capacitance shielded cables with a stranded (not solid) internal
conductor and a low-resistance shield. Although quality cables
cost more, they do make a difference.
Route cables to the Smashup correctly by observing the following
Do not bundle audio cables with AC power cords.
Avoid running audio cables near sources of
electromagnetic interference such as transformers,
monitors, computers, etc.
Do not place cables where they can be stepped on.
Stepping on a cable may not cause immediate damage,
but it can compress the insulation between the center
conductor and shield (degrading performance) or reduce
the cable’s reliability.
Avoid twisting the cable or having it make sharp, right
angle turns.
Never unplug a cable by pulling on the wire itself.
Always unplug by firmly grasping the body of the plug
and pulling directly outward.
on't use line
an y XLR-to- 1 /4 " ad a pter s
s old at elec tro nics stor e s ar e
OT a da p te rs , b ut
tra ns fo r me rs (a nd v e ry lo w
q ua lity tr an s fo rm er s a t tha t) .
o n ' t u s e t h e s e o n the o u tp ut
o f th e S ma sh u p—th ey 're
u nn ec es s ar y a nd g en e ra lly
s ou nd a wfu l b ec au se th ey
d on 't h a ve th e he ad r oo m to
h an dle the S m as hu p's o utp ut.
G et a h a rd -wire d ad a pter or
c ab le fr om y o ur p ro fes sio na l
a ud io d e aler , o r ma k e on e
o u r s e l f f r o m c o m p o n e n t s .