Using the Smashup
The [OUTPUT] knob controls the level of the Smashup’s output.
The Output control is useful for making up level that was lost
during compression, or matching the input level of a mixer or
recorder. The unity gain setting of the [OUTPUT] knob (the level
where input level = output level when [THRESHOLD] is set to
the maximum) is around the “12 o’clock” position.
Set the output low enough to avoid clipping the output (unless
that’s the sound you’re going for), and high enough so there’s a
good signal-to-noise ratio.
This control is disabled if the [BYPASS] button is pressed. If you
get approximately the same level when Bypass is on as when it is
off, that’s generally a good place for the [OUTPUT] knob to sit.
This button adds brightness and punch to the signal, avoiding the
“dull” sound that compression sometimes brings. [SIZZLE] is
especially good for electric bass and drums. Technically speaking,
[SIZZLE] does two things: adds a little high frequency EQ on the
output to brighten things up, and puts a 120 Hz high-pass filter
before the compressor’s detector so strong bass notes won’t be
I nt e n t i o na l cli pp in g : The
o utpu t d rive r s of s o me c las sic
a na lo g c om pr e ss or s h av e
u niqu e “so ft clip ”
c ha ra cte ristics tha t e nh a nc e
the ton e o f the s ig n al.
Cer ta in TYPE se ttin g s
e mu la te th is ou tp ut
o ve rd riv in g whe n yo u
d elib er a te ly ra is e the
[ OU TPUT] c on tro l ab o ve
u nity g a in . Tr y it!
AT mode and Sizzle
The FAT mo de star ts ou t
“pr e- siz zled ”, an d p re ss ing
[ SI ZZLE] a dd s e ve n m or e
b otto m a nd h igh e nd .