Using the Smashup
How the Smashup goes beyond “just
Having explained what the controls are designed to do, you should
be aware that the Smashup’s digital compression algorithms do
much more than just control levels. Just as a tube guitar amp
sounds different from a solid-state power amp, the most popular
compressors sound notably different from each other, even when
their attack, threshold, ratio and release controls are set exactly the
same. And, like guitar amps, there’s no single “best”
compressor...good studios often have 6 or 7 different brands of
compressor in the rack because some are better on rock vocals,
others are best on bass, still others offer a unique drum sound.
Alesis analyzed the behavior of many compressors, and the
Smashup’s different [TYPE] settings are the result. You really get
six different-sounding compressors in a single, compact ModFX
There’s no way to describe the complete behavior of each control
in each mode. Just be aware that a particular [ATTACK] setting
will have a totally different result when the [TYPE] is set to
OPTO, as compared to FAT. Experiment with all the settings on
different instruments and vocals, and you’ll find some really great-
sounding combinations.