24888 Rev 3.03 - July 12, 2004 AMD-8151
AGP Tunnel Data Sheet
• Host-initiated transactions inside the windows are routed to the AGP bus.
• PCI transactions initiated on the AGP bus inside the windows are not claimed by the IC.
• Host initiated transactions outside the windows are passed through the tunnel or master aborted if the IC is at
the end of a HyperTransport technology chain.
• PCI transactions initiated on the AGP bus outside the windows are claimed by the IC using medium decod-
ing and passed to the host.
So, for example, if IOBASE > IOLIM, then no host-initiated IO-space transactions are forwarded to the AGP
bus and all AGP-bus-initiated IO-space (not configuration) transactions are forwarded to the host. If MEM-
BASE > MEMLIM and PMEMBASE > PMEMLIM, then no host-initiated memory-space transactions are for-
warded to the AGP bus and all AGP-bus-initiated memory-space (not configuration) transactions are
forwarded to the host.
DevB:0x1C. Default: 0220 01F1h Attribute: See below.
DevB:0x20. Default: 0000 FFF0h Attribute: Read-write.
Bits Description
31:30 Reserved.
29 RMA: received master abort. Read; set by hardware; write 1 to clear. 1=The IC received a master
abort as a PCI master on the AGP bus. Note: this bit is cleared by PWROK reset but not by RESET#.
28 RTA: received target abort. Read; set by hardware; write 1 to clear. 1=The IC received a target abort
as a PCI master on the AGP bus. Note: this bit is cleared by PWROK reset but not by RESET#.
27 STA: signaled target abort. Read; set by hardware; write 1 to clear. 1=The IC generated a target
abort as a PCI target on the AGP bus. The IC generates target aborts if it receives a target abort (a non-
NXA error) response from the host to an AGP bus PCI master transaction request. Note: this bit is
cleared by PWROK reset but not by RESET#.
26:16 Read only. These bits are fixed in their default state.
15:12 IOLIM. IO limit address bits[15:12]. See DevB:0x[30:1C] above.
11:8 Reserved.
7:4 IOBASE. IO base address bits[15:12]. See DevB:0x[30:1C] above.
3:0 Reserved.
Bits Description
31:20 MEMLIM. Non-prefetchable memory limit address bits[31:20]. See DevB:0x[30:1C] above.
19:16 Reserved.
15:4 MEMBASE. Non-prefetchable memory base address bits[31:20]. See DevB:0x[30:1C] above.
3:0 Reserved.