
CN8000 User Manual
A description of the fields is given in the table, below:
Fill in or modify the fields, then click OK to finish.
The Events Menu has two items: Search and Maintenance.
Search allows you to search for events containing specific words or strings.
When you access this function, a screen similar to the one below appears:
Field Explanation
Address This can either be the IP address of the CN8000 or its DNS name (if the
network administrator has assigned it a DNS name). Key in the value
specified for the CN8000 in the ANMS settings (see ANMS - Event
Destination, page 41).
Port Key in the port number that was specified for the Log Server’s Service
Port in the ANMS settings (see Log Server, page 42).
Description This field is provided so that you can put in a descriptive reference for
the unit to help identify it.
Limit This specifies the number of days that an event should be kept in the
Log Server's database before it expires and it is cleared out.