CN8000 User Manual
Modifying Filters
To modify a filter, select it in the IP Filter or MAC Filter list box and click
Modify. The Modify dialog box is similar to the Add dialog box. When it
comes up, simply delete the old address(es) and replace it with the new one(s).
Deleting Filters
To delete a filter, select it in the IP Filter or MAC Filter list box and click
Login String
The Login String lets the Administrator specify a login string that users must
include (in addition to the IP address) when they access the CN8000 with a
browser. For example:
The following characters are allowed:
0–9 a–z A–Z ~ ! @ $ ^ & * ( ) _ + ‘ - = [ ] { } ; ’ < > , . |
The following characters are not allowed:
% ” : / ? # \ [Space]
Compound characters (É Ç ñ ... etc.)
Note: 1. There must be a forward slash between the IP address and the string.
2. If no login string is specified here, anyone will be able to access the
CN8000 login page using the IP address alone. This makes your
installation less secure.
For security purposes, we recommend that you change this string occasionally.