Instant messaging
110 NN44400-114 Contact Center Agent Desktop 2 December 2010
Using suggested Web pages
Use a suggested Web page to add a commonly used Web page URL to an
instant message. The administrator defines suggested Web pages using the
Contact Center Multimedia Administrator.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 In the Conversation window, click Suggest Web Page.
2 Click the Web page you want to use from the list.
The Web page is added to the Conversation preview window.
3 Click Send.
Using spelling checker in an instant message
Use the spelling checker to check spelling before you send an instant message.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 In the Conversation window, click Spell Check (ABC icon).
2 Click the appropriate button when the spelling checker highlights a word that
is not found in the dictionary.
3 When the spelling checker is complete, click Send.
Viewing personnel using Contacts Presence
View personnel in your contact center using Contacts Presence. You can view
all personnel or a subset of them according to their current status (for example,
Available, Busy, Do Not Disturb, Inactive, Offline, or Away).
Contacts presence control has two tabs: My Contacts and CC Contacts. The My
Contacts tab lists contacts that you configure with Microsoft Office
Communicator (OC). The CC Contacts tab lists the Instant Experts groups that
a site administrator configures.