Short Message Service text message
94 NN44400-114 Contact Center Agent Desktop 2 December 2010
1 On the Agent Desktop work list, select the new SMS text message work item,
and click Accept.
The SMS text message opens in the display panel.
The customer details for the SMS Test message opens in the bottom left hand
Customer Details panel.
Declining an incoming SMS text message
Decline an incoming SMS text message if you cannot handle the contact.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 On the Agent Desktop, select the new SMS text message work item and click
The SMS text message work item is removed from the work list.
Replying to an SMS text message
Reply to an SMS text message when a customer sends an SMS text message
to the contact center requesting a response. Create a response to a customer in
the same format as the original request.
You can use several features in the Agent Desktop interface to create your
• one or more response templates
• the spelling checker
You can add a comment to the message in the Agent Note box for reference for
later communications with the customer. The customer does not see the content
of the Agent Note box.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 After you review the customer contact, click Reply.
2 In the E-mail Response window, accept the default To e-mail address, with the
same e-mail address from which the message was sent, or click To, Cc to add