
Customer and contact details
128 NN44400-114 Contact Center Agent Desktop 2 December 2010
3 View the contact details on the right pane of the Agent Desktop window.
Opening a contact
Open a contact to add or edit information, to complete an outbound call, or to
send a reply to an e-mail message.
You can open a contact only if you have ownership of the customer on the
Ensure that your status is Not Ready.
Ensure that no other agent is currently working on the contact.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 On the History tab of the Customer Details window, select the contact to
2 If Take Ownership appears on the Contact History tab, another agent
currently owns the customer and you cannot open this contact. If necessary,
click Take Ownership to own the customer and click Yes to confirm.
3 Ensure that your status is Not Ready.
4 Right-click and select Pull Contact.
If the Pull Contact item is not available, another agent currently has the contact
open and you can only view the contact.
5 Click Yes to open the contact.
The Agent Desktop automatically changes your status to Ready, answers the
pulled contact, and then automatically changes your status to NotReady again.
6 View the contact details on the right pane of the Agent Desktop window.
You can now complete an outbound call, reply to an e-mail message, or add
an attachment to an e-mail message.