Customer and contact details
124 NN44400-114 Contact Center Agent Desktop 2 December 2010
• Ensure that you have no customer records currently open.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 Click the Details tab of the Customer Details pane.
2 Click Edit to change the customer information or Add to add new information
to the customer details.
3 Select the information to add or change.
4 Copy and paste the information from the text of a contact, or type the
information into the field.
5 If you add additional telephone numbers or e-mail addresses, be sure to select
one as the default.
6 Click Save.
Viewing a CCT intrinsic
View a CCT intrinsic to copy the intrinsic or start an associated application.
• You must accept a contact.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 On the Agent Desktop window, click Customer Details.
2 In the Custom Fields section, click the Intrinsic tab.
The CCT intrinsics appear.
Copying a CCT intrinsic
Copy a CCT intrinsic to use the intrinsic in another application.
Procedure steps
Step Action