
Upgrading an Existing G700 with an S8300 — R1.x to R2.0
On-site Preparation for the Upgrade
220 Installation and Upgrades for G700 and S8300
December 2003
Check Current Software Release
The Upgrade Tool performs this task automatically.
Check the release of Communication Manager currently running on the S8300 to determine whether a
pre-upgrade update is required. If the current release is 2.0.0 or later, go to Upgrading an Existing G700
with an S8300 — R2.0 to R2.x.
1 Log in to the Web interface on the S8300 and launch the Maintenance Web Interface.
2 Choose View Software Version under Server Configuration and Upgrades.
The system displays the Software Version
Software Version Screen
3 Check the Reports as: field for the release number of the S8300 software. In this example, the
release number is reported as R011x.02.0.524.0. This corresponds to release 1.2.0.