
Upgrading an Existing G700 with an S8300 — R1.x to R2.0
Upgrade the S8300
Installation and Upgrades for G700 and S8300 245
December 2003
8 Type sudo update_activate <update>, where <update> is the release or issue number of the
latest software file. (For example, Do not use the .tar.gz extension at the end of
the file name). Press
The system may initiate a software reset system 4. You must wait until the restart/reset has
completed before entering additional commands.
If the system displays the message —
/opt/ecs/sbin/drestart 1 4 command failed — ignore this
9 Type update_show again and press Enter to list Communication Manager files to verify the new
software file was applied.
Verify Media Server Configuration
At this point, you should not have to enter configuration information. In the following procedure, click
Continue to open each configuration screen and verify the that configuration information is correct.
1 Under Server Configuration click Configure Server to start the configure server process. Click
Continue until you reach the screen titled "Specify how you want to use this wizard."
2 Select "Configure all services using the wizard."
3 Click Continue through all the screens, checking for new screens and new fields on existing
screens as mentioned in the planning forms.
You must click Continue through all the screens whether there are changes or not. You do
not need to enter Static Network Route information.
4 When you complete all the new fields, if necessary, click Continue on the Update System screen.
The Update System screen displays each configuration task as it completes. When done, the
screen displays the line "All configuration information was entered."
5 Click Close Window.
6 Log on to a Telnet session.
7 Type /opt/ws/drestart 1 4 to capture the configuration data. You should see the response,