Upgrading an Existing G700 with an S8300 — R1.x to R2.0
Upgrade the S8300
228 Installation and Upgrades for G700 and S8300
December 2003
Install the pre-upgrade update (patch)
1 Use Telnet to access the media server.
a Click Start > Run to open the Run dialog box.
b Type telnet and press Enter.
c Log in as craft.
2 Type cd /var/home/ftp and press Enter to access the ftp directory.
3 At the prompt, type ls -ltr and press Enter to list files in the ftp directory.
The S8300 displays a list of files in the ftp directory.
4 Verify that the directory contains the *.tar.gz file you have uploaded.
5 Type sudo patch_install patch.tar.gz, where patch is the release or issue number of the update
file. (For example,
03.0.526.5-1003.tar.gz). Press Enter.
6 Type patch_show again and press Enter to list Communication Manager files to verify the new
software file was installed.
7 Type sudo patch_apply patch, where patch is the release or issue number of the update file.
(For example,
03.0.526.5-1003. Do not use the *.tar.gz extension at the end of the file name).
The media server goes through a software reset system 4. You must wait until the restart/reset has
completed before entering additional commands. The reset should take 1–2 minutes (or longer if
messaging is enabled).
8 Type patch_show again and press Enter to list Communication Manager files to verify the new
software file was applied.
9 Before proceeding, type statapp -c to view the status of the processes. Make sure everything
dupmgr shows UP. Communication Manger should show 65/65 UP or, if IA770 is installed,
67/67 UP. To stop the continual refresh of the statapp command, type Ctrl-C.
The number of processes (65/65) may vary depending on the configuration. For a normal
state, the second number should not be greater than the first number. For example, the
numbers 64/65 UP would indicate that a process did not come up and should be
investigated before proceeding.
10 Close the browser.