2. Installation requirements
2.1 Mechanical requirements for the OLite rental display
Do not underestimate the weight of a complete OLite rental display. Be sure that the floor or truss installation on which the OLite
rental display has to be installed is capable of handling five (5) times the complete load of the display. Note that one OLite rental
tile weighs approximately 60 kg (or 100 kg per square meter display). Do not forget to take into account the weight of the ballast
required in case of a base stand OLite rental display.
Levelled surface
The surface on which an OLite rental display has to be installed must be levelled. Never install an OLite rental display on an inclined
WARNING: Ensure that, when installing a base stand OLite rental display upon a platform, the top of the
LED-wall does not reach more then 20 meters above ground level.
Depending on the expected wind load, the height of the display and the position of the LED-wall upon the foot beams (somewhere
between front and middle) additional weight (ballast) will be required. Consult chapter “Bal
last values” or use the “Ballast calculator”
tool available on Barco’s secured web site to calculate the minimum ballast you require for safe installation of your OLite rental
R5976832 OLITE RENTAL DISPLAY 29/05/2007