10. Maintenance
10.1 Cleaning OLite tiles
Why cleaning OLite tiles ?
Due to outdoor use the OLite tiles areexposed to all kinds of weather conditions. Sand, dust, smog and other dirt adhere on the OLite
tiles and because of that the performance of the OLite tiles can be reduced. That’s why cleaning the OLite tiles is recommended at
regular intervals.
Image 10-1
Clean LED’s and shaders of the OLite tile.
Always clean all tiles of the LED-wall to avoid brightness differences between cleaned and uncleaned OLite
Necessary tools
• Vaporizer with a non aggressive detergent.
• Soft hand brush with long hair.
• Garden hose with a spray nozzle.
• Compressed air.
How to clean OLite tiles ?
1. Seal up the data and power sockets of the control box with a power and data linking cable. Make sure that all plug holder clamps
2. Ensure that the unused output ports of the control box are sealed with a cover.
3. Vaporize, through different directions, the non aggressive detergent on the shaders and LED’s.
Caution: Do not use industrial grease removers. Use only materials or chemicals that a re inert, nonabrasive, noncorrosive
and non-marking.
4. Brush down all dirt of the LED’s and the shaders using a soft hand brush.
Caution: Do not use a hard bristled brush.
5. Wash away the remaining soap with plenty of fresh water.
Caution: Do not submerge the tile fully or partly in water or other liquids.
6. Repeat from step 3 until the tile is clean.
7. Blow the surface dry with compressed air.
The OLite tiles can also be cleaned while they are mounted. A solid scaffold or Z-lift is required to do so. Start
cleaning from top row to bottom row using the above procedure.
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