6. Set up process of an OLite rental display
6.2 Set up of a hanging OLite rental display
Set up process
1. Build up the truss installation.
Warnin g: Make sure that the truss installation, on which you wa nt to hang the O Lite rental display, complies with the local
regulations regarding such inst allations and that the truss installation will be able to support the complete load of the
OLite rental display.
2. Build up the hanging (trussed) OLite rental display as described in procedure "Build up a hanging OLite rental display with truss
beams", page 53.
Warnin g: The maximum height of a hanging OL ite rental display is 15 tiles high.
3. Installation of the required power box(es). See manual of the used power box for more information about installing the power
4. Power cabling of the OLite rental display. See chapter "Power cabling of an OLite rental display", page 60.
5. Installation of the digitizer(s) and, if used, the fiberlink and/or AEC. Follow the installation guidelines in the manuals of these
6. Data cabling of the OLite rental display. See chapter "Data cabling of an OLite rental display", page 61.
7. Installation of the control software for the OLite rental display. See installation procedure described in the manual of the control
8. Energize the OLite rental display and start up the control software. For more information about showing content on the OLite
display see manual of the control software.
R5976832 OLITE RENTAL DISPLAY 29/05/2007