5. OLite rental peripherals and accessories
5.3 OLite rental truss setup accessories
Truss setup accessories
OLite truss beams are required to set up an OLite rental display in a hanging configuration. Barco offers two sizes of OLite truss
beams, namely the “OLite single truss beam” and the “OLite dual truss beam”. The single truss beam covers a width of one OLite
rental tile and the dual truss beam covers two tiles. The OLite truss beam has the same locking mechanism as the OLite rental
frames. Each truss beam is equipped with one big hoist eyebolt, used to lift up the display, and two smaller safety eyebolts to secure
the truss beam with the truss installation.
Image 5-5
A OLite single truss beam (R9853060).
B OLite dual truss beam (R9853040).
The OLite single truss beam can also be used as a tool to lift up and install the OLite rental tiles one by one
in a base stand OLite display.
Parts location of the OLite truss beam
Image 5-6
A Locking handle.
B Locking mechanism.
C Big hoist eyebolt for lifting.
D Small safety eyebolt for secur
WARNING: Maximum weight limit
of the single truss beam is 960 kg, the dual truss beam can maximum lift
1920 kg. This weight corresponds with a maximum display height of 15 tiles. Do not put any additional weight
on the truss beam and use the truss beams only in conjunction with Barco’s OLite rental frames.
WARNING: Always secure all truss beams of a hanging OLite rental display with the truss installation. Use
therefore the safety eyebolts. One safety eyebolt has a maximum loading capacity of 960 kg. Secure each
eyebolt with an independent safety cable. Never loop a safety cable through both safety eyebolts of a truss
beam, as this will dramatically reduce the load holding capacity of the safety eyebolts.
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