Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter 5 Network Browser
Figure 5-5 Routing Node Information Displayed in Right Panel of Window
Status information for the selected routing node is indicated by the default Status tab at the bottom of
the Network Browser window, and includes the node number, node name, alarm status, management
status and synchronization status.
Click on the Version tab to display additional information about the selected routing node, including the
node number, node name, node type, revision and protocol.
Click on the Address tab to display additional information about the selected routing node, including
the node number, node name, LAN IP address and Network IP address.
Click on the All tab to display additional information on all of these categories in one screen.
Click on the eye glass to the left of the routing node to display the corresponding network elements, as
shown in Figure 5-6, where the bpx3 routing node has been selected and cards, feeder nodes, feeder
trunks and access nodes are displayed as network elements.
Note CWM uses color to display alarm situations detected by the Network Browser.