
Cisco WAN Manager Users Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter 12 Downloading Software and Firmware
Preparing the IPX/BPX Switch to Download Software or Firmware
Downloading Switch Software or Firmware From the CWM Workstation to a
To download images to an MGX, complete the following steps:
Step 1 Copy IPX or BPX images to the CWM workstations /usr/users/svplus/images/ipxbpx directory, and
MGX images to the /usr/users/svplus/images/mgx directory.
Step 2 Launch the CWM desktop and login as a user with All access privileges for Topology. The Network
Topology window is displayed.
Step 3 Click on the node icon in the Network Topology window, upon which you want to download the switch
software/firmware images, then select SW/FW Images from the Tools dropdown menu of the Topology
menu bar.
The Image DownLoader window is displayed. This window displays a list of the software that is loaded
on the CWM workstation (in the /usr/users/svplus/images/ directory) for the type of node
selected.Choose the image you wish to download, then select Download.
When the download has completed, please telnet to the switch and use the switch CLI to verify and
invoke the images.
Note For additional details pertaining to the switches, please refer to the appropriate Cisco switch
Image Filename Conventions
The following naming conventions are used for software images:
IGX and BPX Conventions
IGX and BPX software images have the following format (where Release is 9.2.0):
IGX and BPX firmware images have the following format:
<FW Release>.img
MGX Conventions
The following naming convention is used for software images:
<cardtype>_<A>_<B> [<C>_<D>].fw