Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter11 CWM to CWM Communications
Configuring CWM-CWM Communications
to take over as the new primary. The Secondary CWMGateway with priority number 1 (SP1) will now
take over as the new Primary, and any remaining CWMGateways will subsequently register with the new
Primary CWM. The new CWMGateway priority numbers will be based on “first-come-first-serve” logic.
Note If the Primary CWM is not shut down gracefully, then the Secondary CWM could go into degrade mode.
In this case, the user will need to restart the Primary CWM to re-establish the connection between the
Primary and Secondary CWMs. The Secondary CWM will then re-sync the user data tables with the
restarted Primary CWM as soon as the connection has been re-established.
Note Re-sync between the Secondary CWM and Primary CWM does not depend on how fast the Primary
CWM can re-sync with the network after restart. If the Primary CWM has previously discovered all of
the nodes in the network, and populated its node_info table with all network node data, it is not necessary
for the Secondary CWMs to wait for the Primary CWM to re-sync with the entire network. This
capability gives Secondary CWMs in a network the ability to access user data much faster than if they
had to wait for the Primary CWM to re-sync with the entire network.
Secondary CWM Graceful Shutdown
A Secondary CWMGateway will notify its primary counterpart before it’s shutdown gracefully. The
primary CWMGateway will assign a new priority number to the remaining Secondary CWMGateway
whose priority number is greater than the priority number of the CWMGateway that has just gone away.
The new priority number is one less than the previously assigned priority number. For example, if the
CWMGateway with priority number 1 has gone away, the CWMGateway with priority number 2 will be
changed to 1 so that it becomes next in line to take over the role of the primary CWM when the current
primary CWM goes away.
Configuring CWM-CWM Communications
When a CWM workstation launches, it reads a configuration file called CWMGateway.conf to determine
its initial setup and default configurations. Following is an example of a CWMGateway.conf file with a
DomainGatewayList of a domain consisting of four CWM workstations named cwmws1, cwmws2,
cwmws3, and cwmws4:
Debug level 2
DomainGatewayList cwmws1 cwmws2 cwmws3 cwmws4
ForcedSwitchOver cwmws2
HeartBeatInterval 20
Parameters in this CWMGateway.conf file must be specified to enable inter-CWM communication; it is
the only list of other CWM gateways available to this local host. Each host or CWM workstation listed
in the DomainGatewayList must be reachable from the local host. Confirm this by using the Unix “ping”
command. The host names listed in the DomainGatewayList can be presented in any order.
The CWMGateway.conf file in /usr/users/svplus/config/ specifies the following parameters:
• Debug level—tells the CWM gateway how much debugging information to generate. The valid
range for this value is 1-5. In a production environment, do not raise this value above 2. The Debug
Level is primarily used in engineering development or in a troubleshooting environment with the
assistance of technical support.