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SelectON to recordGPS datato alogfileon the memory card ( 29;be suretheclockissetto
thecorrecttime and dateas describedon page 18).A new logfileiscreatedwhen ON isselected
and once every24 hours thereafter.Note thatthecamera willcontinuetoupdate GPS dataeven
when off,increasingthe drainon the battery.Choose OFF todisableGPS tracking.
':!}GPS logscan be viewed inMyFinePixStudio.
':!}See"GPS"(31) forinformationon usingGPS.
':!}The indicatorlamp glows orange duringrecordingGPS data even when thecamera isturned
offwhileON isselected.SelectOFF beforeremoving the batteryor memory card.Failureto
observe thisprecautioncould damage thecard.
':!}Signalstrengthwillbe displayedinyellow and GPS data willnot be logged ifthe batteryis
low (_I=_or less),no memory card isinserted,or the memory card has lessthan 32MB free.
To resume the log,selectON afterinsertinga charged batteryor a memory card withmore
than 32 MB free.
':!; GPS tracking may be interrupted during movie recording and playback.
Choose the units used for GPS information from km (m) (kilometers and meters), mi (ft) (miles
and feet), or mi (yd) (miles and yards).
Choose how long pictures are displayed in the LCD monitor after shooting.
Option I Description
3 SEC l Pictures are displayed for three seconds (3 SEC) or 1.5 seconds (1.S SEC).
-- /Colors may differ slightly from those in the final image.
ZOOM(CONTINUOUS)/Pictures are displayed until the MENU/OKbutton is pressed.
OFF /Pictures are not displayed after shooting.
_, OFF has no effect in continuous shooting mode.