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I SafetyNotes ]
• Make sure that you use your camera correctly Read these safety
notes and your OvvrleF_ Monuo/carefully before use
• After reading these safety notes, store them in a safe place
I About the Icons ]
The icons shown below are used in this document to indicate the
severity of the iniury or damage that can result if the information
indicated by the icon is ignored and the product is used incorrectly
as a result
The icons shown below are used to indicate the nature of the instruc
tions which are to be observed
Filled circles with an exclamation mark indicate an action that
must be performed ("Required")
If e problem arises, turn the camera off, remove the battery, end
disconnectand unpluffthe ACpower ndapter. Continued use of
the camera when it is emitting smoke, is emitting any urlusual
Donotaflowwaterorforeianobiedstoenterthetamera. Ifwater
D_o_s_,,, _ Thiscarl cause afire or electric shock
Never attempt to chen_e ortake apart the camera (never open
_ Failureto observe this precaution can cause fire or
Do,,ot electric shock
Should the casebreak open as the result of a fofl orother atcidem
point of purchase for consultation
flonot then_e, heat orundulytwist or puflthetonnettien tord and
_'_ donot piece heavy ob.iectsonthe connection cord. These actions
could damage the cord and cause a fire or electric shock¸ Ifthe
cord is damaged, contact your FUJIFILM dealer¸
[_ Donotpietethetameraonanunstabiesurfate. Thiscancausethe
camera to fall or tip over and cause iniury
Donot touch anymetal parts of thetamera durinq a thunderstorm.
_ This can causean electric shock due to induced current from
the lightning discharge
(_ Donot usethe battery except asspedfled. Load the battery as
shown bythe indicator
DoDot heat, thanqe ortahe apart the battery. Donot drop orsuhjert
the batteryto impacts, Donot store the batterywith metallicprod-
@ utts. Anyoftheseactionscancausethebatterytoburstorleak
and cause fire or [niury as a result
Useonly the battery or ACDowerndaoters s_edfled foruse with this
(_ remora. Do Dotu}e volta_es other ihen thepower sopply volta_e
shown, The use of other power sources carl cause a fire
If thebatteryleeks end fluid qets incontact with Voureves,skinor
dothieq, flush the affected area with clean water end seek medical